“Not Myself”: Sharon Van Etten in ricordo delle vittime della strage di Orlando

I was home with my parents in New Jersey when I heard of the shooting at the nightclub in Florida. Hate, violence, and intolerance has always upset me, but I haven’t been this overwhelmed with sadness and disbelief in a long time. The victims were only trying to be themselves and be comfortable and safe in their surroundings. That safety was violated out of fear and with a gun“.

Comincia così lo statement di Sharon Van Etten, che accompagna e spiega la sua ultima canzone “Not Myself”. Il brano inedito è stato scritto, registrato e pubblicato non solo per testimoniare cordoglio e solidarietà verso le vittime della strage di Orlando accaduta qualche mese fa, ma anche per fare beneficienza: i proventi derivanti dalla canzone andranno alle famiglie delle vittime, grazie alla collaborazione con una associazione che si occupa di sensibilizzazione al tema delle armi in America, l’Everytown for Gun Safety Support Fund.

“Not Myself” si può ascoltare qui sotto. In fondo invece trovate il testo completo dello statement.

I was home with my parents in New Jersey when I heard of the shooting at the nightclub in Florida. Hate, violence, and intolerance has always upset me, but I haven’t been this overwhelmed with sadness and disbelief in a long time. The victims were only trying to be themselves and be comfortable and safe in their surroundings. That safety was violated out of fear and with a gun.

I originally wanted to raise money for the victims and their families, but I knew the issue was bigger than this. I wrote “Not Myself” for the victims of this horrific event, but I chose to support the research and awareness work of Everytown for Gun Safety Support Fund: a movement of Americans working together to end gun violence and build safer communities.

In the memory of those trying to be safe and be themselves, I hope we can all come together to help prevent another massacre like this and end gun violence.

Sharon Van Etten